Thursday, September 5, 2013

Today we learned about the ecosystem. Students were emailed a link to view the presentation and fill out notes. I highly recommend students watch the presentation several times to review for the test in a few weeks. I have provided the link for you.

Tonight for homework students will need to fill out the Summary section on the notes explaining what they learned today.

NC give teachers a list of vocabulary words students are expected to know. For this unit there are around 45 words. I know it seems like a lot, but they have more than two weeks to complete them on Quizlet or flashcards. A list was emailed to students and shared on Google Drive. They are due on the test day (tentative date Sept. 20). If students just complete 10 cards a night, it will only take them 4.5 days to finish.
IMPORTANT- on the last set of flashcards, students were using long and challenging definitions copied from dictionary websites. The definitions need to be on 5th grade level and easy for students to understand. I have explained this to them in class. The PowerPoint presentations, notes, Science book at school, and the link "Ecosystem Vocabulary" on the left side of the blog are all great places for students to find appropriate definitions that are easy to understand.

If you are not aware, 5th grade does have a Science EOG at the end of the year. It is my job to prepare them and their job as students to learn. It will not be easy, but the results will be worth it. Thank you parents for your support!

Mrs. Fail