Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy Friday! We have had a good week learning about Ecosystems.

Just for review,

Producers- ALL PLANTS

Consumers- Organisms that eat the plants or other animals

Decomposers- Breaks down dead organisms (bacteria, fungi, mushrooms)

There will be a test next Friday. I provide students with many things to help them review. However, all test questions will mainly come from the notes, powerpoint, and flashcards. All other activities in class, readings, homework, classwork, etc, is practice related to the notes/PowerPoint. For example, if students study the biomes foldable, the same information will be on their notes/PowerPoint. I have to teach to all learning styles, so what is a great study tool to one student, may not be for another. Here is my list of recommended study materials:

1. PowerPoint (from Movenote  and ) 

2. Green and Blue notes sheet that was filled out while watching the PowerPoint, so again the same information.

3. Flashcards on the vocabulary words that were taught in the PowerPoint. 

4. Biome Foldable- Related to biomes section of notes.

5. Worksheets- all worksheets relate to a topic from the notes

6. Blog "Ecosystems Symbaloo" link- games and extended information that review what we learned in notes.

7. Food Web/Food Chain examples- relates to topic in notes.

8. Chapters 5 and 6 in the Science Book (Emailed to them)- not all topics in the book are important. Mainly focus on the reading that relate to the notes.

9. I may send video links for students to watch that relate to a topic. Watching them will help students review. The video will relate to a topic from the notes/PowerPoint.

So, I am not saying students have to study all these things. I'm just providing these things for you. Studying notes, flashcards, and PowerPoint are the requirements.