Monday, December 15, 2014

It’s the last week before vacation! We had our Matter test today and I was a little disappointed in some of the grades. Students have been emailed their scores and I have already updated PowerSchool with their grades. For this week we plan to work hard on the ABC project on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Thursday is our FIELD TRIP! Those chaperones that are attending should have received a letter attached to students’ progress reports on Friday. If you have any questions, please email me.

Friday is an early release day (11:45). Our annual Christmas Brunch is that morning. If you signed up to bring goodies, feel free to bring them throughout the week or by 9:00 Friday morning.

I hope everyone has safe travels and a great holiday!


Mrs. Fail

Monday, December 8, 2014

Hi everyone!
The countdown ‘till Christmas is on! This week we will finish learning about Matter. Our main topics are Physical and Chemical Changes. There will be a lab on Friday using pennies. Friday, there will also be a short Western States quiz; below are the states to study.  Flashcards are due on Wednesday. 

Please remember the Christmas party sign ups.

Have a great week!

Christmas Party

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Attached are the Science notes for this unit in case some students have already lost theirs.

Please remember we still have slots open for Christmas party supplies.


Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1-5

This week we will be studying matter and also learning the Midwest states. There will be a quiz Friday, December, 5 on the Midwest states. Also, there will be a lab on Friday which requires Double Bubble Gum; any donations would be appreciated. Please continue to work on your matter flashcards and Social Studies extra credit that is due next week. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone is safe and rests. Today I emailed students some Social Studies extra credit; it is the same as last time, current events. Due: December 8, 2014. We will not be completing another Social Studies topic until after Christmas break. From now until Christmas vacation we will be learning about Matter.

All grades have been updated!!! Yes! If you log onto PowerSchool, you should be able to view your child’s current average. Many papers were passed back today so if you have questions please check your child’s book-bag. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

It was nice to see all the parents at Awards Day!

Monday will be our test on the Revolutionary War and Branches of Government. All students have orange notes to study, as well as flashcards on quizlet. If you left after the awards today and did not take the states quiz, please come by early on Monday morning. 

Many students were missing their homework packets; they have had all week to complete so I am a little disappointed. Grades for Social Studies are updated on PowerSchool with the homework and quiz grades from today. 

Have a good weekend!

Mrs. Fail

Monday, November 17, 2014

Christmas Party Updates!!!! 

We were unaware that Dec. 19 is an early release day. Therefore, we are making the party a Christmas Brunch. I have updated the times and list of items for everyone. Please sign up is available.

Food Drive- Just a reminder that our Food and Toiletries Drive starts today.  We are collecting items during homeroom through the end of the week.  All donations will go to local families

For this week, I will be absent on Wednesday and Thursday. When I am gone, I expect students to be on their best behavior for the substitute. Homework this week is the packet that is due Friday and there will be a quiz on the Southern states also on Friday. 

In all, we are getting very close to Turkey Day! Yay

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I hope everyone had a nice mini-vacation. We started the Revolutionary War today in Social Studies and we will be on this topic until Thanksgiving break. For this week there will be no homework besides study. On Friday, I will give students their next set of states to learn and there will be a quiz next week.

Report Cards will also go home this Friday!


Mrs. Fail

Monday, November 3, 2014

Hi all,
I don’t know about everyone else, but this cold weather is rough! As we look forward this week, please remember we have an early release (11:45) on Friday. For this reason our Weather Test will be on Thursday.  Flashcards and extra credit (current events) are due Wednesday.  Just a reminder that Nov. 6 is the LAST day of the 9 week grading period! Wow, I cannot believe it has come so quickly. So, this means if any work is not turned in by then, it will be a zero.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

Mrs. Fail

***On the notes, I added the definition for Weather Station. A weather station is any place that uses weather tools to collect data and observe weather. The news centers, schools and maybe even your house are all examples of weather stations. ****

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I’m excited that this week is spirit week on top of Halloween on Friday! Weather is the topic of learning this week. Students were assigned 30 vocabulary words. I know this is lengthy, but they are due next Wednesday. The good news is 30 is the max I will give students this year. In students’ email, there is a PowerPoint to help them study.

Extra Credit (Current Events) is due next week. I have not had many students complete these, even though they need the extra points. Please take the time to boost your grade; it can make a big difference. On that note, I have updated PowerSchool and all grades are accurate to date. If students are missing work, I put a zero in as the grade until it is completed and turned it.

Pictures were passed back today during homeroom. Student retakes are Nov. 6.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Christmas Party!

Christmas Party information, please take a look.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Water Cycle is the topic we are covering this week. Below is a copy of the notes and a video for students to study. There will be a short quiz on Thursday just on the water cycle: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff, transpiration, and groundwater. There will be homework Tuesday night, but I am giving students 2 nights to complete. The homework is due Thursday! I realize everyone is busy this time of year so we will be going over homework before the quiz on Thursday.

Parents: if your child’s grade has dropped by more than 5-7 points since progress reports, I sent home a green notification sheet last night. Please sign and return so I know you are aware of this change. Extra Credit Current Events email has been sent to all students; the due date is Nov. 7 (the last day of the quarter). 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Parents, I have noticed some students’ grades have dropped since Progress Reports were sent home. On Monday I will be sending home a green slip to any child whose grade has dropped. Please sign and return to school.  Overall, I am finding the students are talking more, not completing work, and overall not putting in as much effort.  

I have graded the states quiz and test from today. They were automatically emailed students from “noreply.”

All grades are updated on PowerSchool if you would like to view them there.
Next week we will be learning at the Water Cycle!
If you visit the NC State Fair this weekend, Have FUN!!!

Mrs. Fail

Monday, October 13, 2014

Today I passed back all the graded papers to students. We are up to date and I am working on updating grades in PowerSchool. Reminder that passwords are distributed at the front office.

This week we will be reviewing Colonial America. There will be a test Friday on Exploration and Colonial America. Students have two pink note sheets to help them study. Below is a list of vocabulary words on Quizlet students must know. 

Wednesday there will be a quiz on the NE states. Students will be given a blank map and must fill in the location of each state.

Extra Credit for Social Studies has been emailed to students. It is due the Nov. 6, which is the last day of the 1st 9 weeks.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hello all,

Sorry I am a day late posting; I usually like to give a weekly overview on Monday. This week we will be learning about early American explorers then moving on to the 13 colonies. There is a packet for each class to complete for homework that is due Friday. Today we labeled the NE region of the United States. There will be a quiz next week on this region. Students will be expected to use a word bank and place the states on a blank map. Here is a map below to practice. Tonight, some students may need to finish their Explorers Research assignment from class today. It is located in their Google Drive and I plan to grade it.

On that note, I have been informed that the parent portal on PowerSchool is now open!!! You may stop by the office and get a password so you can view your child's attendance and  grades frequently instead of having to wait for progress reports or report cards. More information about PowerSchool is located on the NCS website under the parent tab. I'm excited to have this new feature and am hoping parents will use this resource often.

Friday in class students will have a research day for their ABC State Project. I have asked them to work on their in Google Drive so it can be accessible at home and at school. Just a reminder because some students have not done that yet.

Always remember if you have any questions, concerns, or comments I'm just an email away!

Mrs. Fail

Friday, October 3, 2014

The quiz grades were excellent! Grades have been emailed to students. Didn't turn in the extra credit? No worries, you may still turn it in on Monday but will not receive full credit.

Next week we will start Social Studies for about 2 weeks. The topic will be on Explorers and Colonial America. There will be NO flashcards. Students deserve a break; however I will give you a list of vocabulary words (events and people mostly) and you will need to know them.

Progress reports went home today. Please sign and return them on Monday. If you have any questions please let me know. There should be only one Social Studies grade. We will have more soon as we move on to that topic.

PROJECTS- Parents, please help your child with the 50 states project. I have asked it be completed on Google Drive so it can be accessed at home and school. The phrase, "I left it at home (or school)" should not be an issue.  The technology teacher will be showing students how to cite sources and the library teacher will be showing students how to research using books/encyclopedias. For this reason, the project needs to be in a universal location. Thanks for your help.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Flashcards are due tomorrow on Quizlet or paper note cards.

There was a graded classwork assignment on Food Webs. Students could use their notes or ask me for help. For those who finished, grades have been emailed to students from “noreply.” Those whom did not will need to complete for homework.

There will be a quiz Friday on Food Chains, Food Webs, and Energy Pyramids. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

This week we will learn about Food Chains, Food Webs, and Energy Pyramids. There will be a short Quiz Friday. There are only 10 flashcards this week! Yes! But, these are important ones to know for the EOG.

Extra Credit will be given out and due on Friday. This is worth +10 points on the quiz.

I have attached the notes for you to study in case someone lost them. Also there is a video that is very informative.


Mrs. Fail

Friday, September 26, 2014

Happy Friday!

This week students enjoyed learning about terrestrial and aquatic biomes. There was a test today and grades have been emailed to students. Parents: you may view the grade in your child's NCS email account. The score is from "noreply" and the subject is "Record of grades..."

Next week we will learn about Food Chains and Food Webs.

***Reminder: The first part of the 50 states project is due soon (Oct. 13) so students need to be working on this during their free time. We spent 30+ minutes working on this in class today after the test. ***

The Chinese teacher wanted me to remind parents that each week there will be a homework assignment due.

Have a nice weekend,

Mrs. Fail

Monday, September 22, 2014

Happy Monday,

I hope we are all ready for a great week. This week we will have a TEST on Friday. The test will cover these sections of the notes, PowerPoint 1, and only until slide 24 on PowerPoint 2. I attached those below in case students misplaced their own copy.

There will be a homework assignment on Biomes Wednesday night.

Thursday Biomes flashcards are due.

I will be passing back several papers this week so make sure your child shows you their grade.


Tardy Students-  For the past few days late students have been going right to class instead of checking in with their homeroom teacher. I have marked those students ABSENT. Please make sure each student brings me the tardy slip before class so I can mark them present. Thanks so much!


Part 1

Part 2    Stop at Slide 24.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Flashcards on the 18 Word Wall vocabulary are due tomorrow.
Homework has been graded online and scores have been emailed to student’s accounts. The email is from “Noreply” and has the score as a fraction. Ex: 24/25 or 31/30.
Calculate your grade:
Take the number you got correct (Divided  By) The total
Take the answer and multiply by 100 and that is your grade. 
Those who turned in a paper copy, I will pass those back tomorrow.

3rd Block:
Graded papers were passed back today. Some students need to get theirs signed by a parent. Please remember I encourage students to ask questions if they do not understand and to use their notes to help them. 

Tomorrow is our FIRST lab day!!! I am excited. Labs are a fun way to learn but labs can get out of hand. Students please try to be on your best behavior tomorrow. We can learn and have fun in a respectful way. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

1st and 2nd block- The Atlas classwork has been graded and I will return those tomorrow. Some students are still missing this assignment and remember I take 5 points off per day!

3rd block-  We completed a graded in class assignment on Ecosystems. Some students did not finish and need to complete tonight. I will grade them and return soon.

All- Flashcards do Friday.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Today we took the Science Field Test. This was not a grade, just an assessment to see how much students already know. They did pretty well!

Tomorrow we will start our Ecosystems Unit. Flashcards are due Friday on the words located on our Word Wall in the classroom. I have provided many definitions for students on my blog, notes, and they may use the Science Book. Most students will choose to complete these flashcards on but there is always to option to do paper note cards for those who wish to do so. 

I was disappointed in the number of students who did not turn in their homework in 1st and 2nd block. Students had class time to complete this and were asked to finish over the weekend. 5 points will be deducted daily until the Atlas Assignment is turned in. 3rd block will have a class assignment today (Week 2- 7 Wonders of America) and homework if they do not finish.

I wanted to say a shout out to all the new students that will be joining us this week!

Welcome to Neuse! 

Friday, September 12, 2014

1st and 2nd block may have a classwork assignment to complete over the weekend on drawing maps. This will be their first grade! 3rd block was assigned vocabulary and the flashcards are due next Friday.
Today I assigned the BIG 50 states project that is not due until January. However, this will take students a long time to complete. There will be some class research days between now and then. All students were emailed their assigned state for the project and given the project requirements on paper. If students have any questions, we can talk more about it on Monday.

I had a great first week of school. These students seem like wonderful children! Have a great weekend.
Mrs. Fail

Art Reminder:

Art will be messy next week so please bring an old paint shirt. Mrs. Fail’s homeroom has art on Wednesday and Friday. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hello All,
Tomorrow is Friday! This week we will wrap up the maps review in 1st and 2nd block. 3rd block will begin learning about Ecosystems. Next week I will be assessing the students on Monday then everyone will be starting our Ecosystems unit in Science.
I had a great first week of school! Expect homework a few nights next week.
Attractions books are due Monday for the first turn in date.

Mrs. Fail

Here is a video for review. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Today we focused on mapping skills. In 1st and 2nd block we talked about Longitude and Latitude. On your own, I have suggested students can look up the longitude and latitude for their house for fun.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Thanks to all the students who turned in their packets from open house. Those who missed open house received their packets today. Please fill those out and return them as soon as possible. Also, students were given the school handbooks today. There are 2 papers in the handbook that need to be signed and returned.
Homework is for students to read the handbook and finish the Handbook Hunt worksheet from class. We started this in class but did not finish. Students will sign the Code of Conduct sheet which says students understand the policies and procedures.
Besides the rain, I had a great 1st day. I hope everyone else did too.

Mrs. Fail

Friday, September 5, 2014

Since the parent emails are not working at the moment, you may view the tutorial here:

Chromebook Tutorial Link

Thanks to the parents who informed me about not receiving emails. The blog and emails are a big part of my communication to parents. Let me know if this still does not work. :-)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Welcome to 5th Grade!

I had a wonderful time meeting all the students and parents at open house tonight. Monday will be here soon and I am excited to be your teacher this year. Please fill out all the documentations from open house and bring them to school on Monday.

Students need to have their binders and backpacks ready to go prior to school starting. All extra pencils, erasers, paper and so forth may be kept at home so students can replenish them as needed. Only class donations should be brought to school. Elective donations may be brought to school on the day students go to that elective. This will help lessen the load students carry.   :-)  We go to electives or specials with our homeroom and I have provided that schedule below.

NCS Handbooks will be passed out on Monday, please review the expectations with your child.

Parents, I have sent (or attempted to send) a Chromebook Tutorial via email. Please take the time to complete this so you are familiar with how my classroom procedures run. If you have questions, let me know, I am always happy to assist.

Mrs. Fail

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Happy Summer

Parents and Students,

I am sorry to see this year come to an end. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. Awards day is Thursday at 10:00am, our party is afterward at the park and Friday is a half day.

I will miss you!!!!


Mrs. Fail

Thursday, May 29, 2014

EOG Scores

EOG scores for Math and Reading went home with students today. Retention letters were also sent home to those students who did not meet the minimum requirements. Science scores will be sent home as soon as they arrive.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Enrollment packages are due Friday.

Extra Credit is due Friday as well. I shared students' final grade with them today and have encouraged many to complete the extra credit.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Weekly Update

Monday students practiced the online tutorial for the EOG test. Homework is to study 15 minutes on Distance/Time Graphs, Friction, and Gravity

Tuesday students will be reviewing Force and Motion in class and asked to study 15 minutes on balanced and unbalanced forces. 

Wednesday students will be reviewing Conduction, Convection and Radiation. They will have a worksheet for homework.

Thursday students will going over any questions and materials necessary for their practice test Friday. Homework is to study for 15 minutes on the Human Body.

Friday students will complete a graded full-length practice EOG. I do not expect all students to finish and may continue Monday.

Next week we will be taking more tests for the EOG.
Extra Credit current events will be due 5/23/14 so all grades can be finalized. Students please look in your "shared" link on Google Drive to find the current event rubric. All parts must be completed to get full credit and there is a limit of 3 per student.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Progress Reports went home this past week and there are still many students who have not returned theirs signed.

Test grades have been emailed to students. Next week we will be reviewing Force and Energy. Monday we will be going over the tutorial for online testing. Expect homework a few nights next week. There will be a full length EOG test Friday.

EXTRA CREDIT will consist of the current events. The rubric must be followed completely to get all 10 points. Maximum of 3 per student. Please identify which subject you want the points to go on. Due by May 23.  Students have the rubric in their Google Drive

SPECIAL THANKS so all the gifts I received for Teacher Appreciation Week. I am truly blessed with great students and their families.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Happy Friday,

I have graded the Weather EOG tests and they have been emailed to students. Scores were either really good, or really poor. I have stressed to students all week that if they have ANY questions they need to ask me because I am not a mind reader. As a teacher, I am trying and doing all I can to get students on track for the EOG, but the student needs to be putting in the time studying and getting help. This weekend for homework I have asked all students to spend 30 minutes reviewing old notes, powerpoints, flashcards, and other helpful information. As always, feel free to email me if you are stuck on a topic.

Next week we will be reviewing Ecosystems and Matter. Topics Include:
Food Chain
Food Web
Physical Change
Chemical Change

Mrs. Fail

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

EOG Review

It is that time of year again, EOG review. I am asking students to give me 15 minutes of quality studying at home each night. If students spend at least 15 minutes each night looking over their notes, sample EOG questions, PowerPoints and other information I give them, I almost promise they will pass the EOG.

Please expect a homework sheet on Wednesday night for a grade.

There will be a EOG weather test Friday only on weather information.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Heredity tests have been graded and sent to students via email.

Practice EOGs have been graded and sent to students via email. A green slip will go home Friday with students scores and areas of weakness. Parents, please sign and return the slips to school on Monday.

Projects are due Friday and I excited to see what cool projects students have made!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Welcome Back!

This week:

Tuesday- Review for Heredity Test
Wednesday- Heredity Test
Thursday- Practice EOG
Friday- Projects Due

I am planning to score the practice EOG's but the scores will NOT go in the grade book. This is the only practice test that I will do this for, everything else will be graded. Parents, please look for a note home with students' scores and topics to work on. It may take several days for us to present projects, please be patient as our main focus will be EOG review from now until the end of May.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Good news, the field trip Friday was wonderful and our students represented NCS well.

This week:
1. Report cards went home today and need to be signed and returned on Tuesday
2. We are learning about heredity this week and flashcards are due Friday.
3. Friday is the awards ceremony and early release at 11:45.
4. Spring Break is next week!!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


We have just one more school day until our field trip!  I plan on going over some reminders with the students tomorrow in class, but I also wanted to send out a reminder to all parents about some things to remember for Friday.  

  • Arrive at school between 6:30 and 6:45AM (We are leaving at 7AMPlease don't be late!)
  • Meet in the parking lot of the school by the playground. 
  • Bring a bag lunch - Please label with your child's name
  • Bring a change of clothes (shirt, pants, underwear, socks, etc.)
  • Bring two pairs of shoes (one pair that you won't mind getting wet)
  • Bring a towel
  • Bring a bag to hold all personal items
  • Bring a bag to hold wet clothes in if needed
  • Optional: sunscreen, insect repellent, money for souvenirs
When we are on the way back from the field trip, students whose parents are not chaperoning will be able to call their parents and let them know what time we will be arriving back at NCS.  Students must be signed out by their parents before leaving school to go home.  

The kids are very excited about the trip, and the weather is looking like it should be great.  

Please let me know if you have any questions.  

Thank you, 

Here is a video to review the Nervous system.

Test Thursday on ALL systems of the body.

Report Cards will go home MONDAY due to the field trip on Friday.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Field Trip Friday!

Please have your child at school between 6:30 and 6:45am. I'm looking forward to a great day!

This week we will be doing in-class assignments on the systems of the body. There will be no homework this week other than to study. Thursday I plan on giving a full human body test that covers the following systems:

Nervous (just know the nervous system includes the brain and controls all other systems!)

 Many, I mean many, students did not turn in the Scholastic News which was given last Thursday. Late points will be deducted and I will not be reminding students over and over again for missing work. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Tonight's homework is a Scholastic News which is due on Monday. Scholastic News' will be majority of the Social Studies grade for this 9 weeks.

* Below is a link to Drag and Drop. On the EOG there will be drag and drop questions so students need to know this keyboarding skill WITHOUT A MOUSE! Please use the keypad only.
The top line on the link is EOG related. The bottom corner is fun games.

* Many students have lost their agenda. In fact in one class today only 3 students had theirs. Agendas are designed to help students stay organized, keep up with assignments and have time management. If your child does not have an agenda, I encourage you to get one.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

There is a homework sheet tonight on paper. Some students may need to finish the lab from class. Here is a video for students to watch in 3 parts.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Digestive System

This week we will be learning about the digestive system. Expect homework on Wednesday night and a quiz on Monday. This is the last system of the body we will be learning about this year.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

There will be a quiz tomorrow on the Muscular and Skeletal systems of the body. Students have notes, PowerPoint and class worksheets/websites to help them study.

I am in need of Kleenex boxes for my classroom. We currently just have 1 extra box and this will not last until the end of the year.

As it will be nice and sunny this weekend, I have suggested to students to work on their Solar Oven Project that are due on April 25.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Students have a practice homework sheet tonight on the muscular system. We will review this together in class tomorrow and it will not be for a grade.

Quiz on Skeletal and Muscular systems Friday.

Monday, March 17, 2014

This week we will be learning about the Skeletal and Muscular System.

Here is a video to review.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Picture Day Monday!

We had our quiz today and grades have been emailed to students. Next week we will learn about the Skeletal and Muscular Systems of the body.

Here are some pictures of sample solar ovens students will be designing for their project. Solar oven projects are due April 25! Do not forget to insert a thermometer inside to record the temperature.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Eraser Challenge

It has some to our attention that boys in the 5th grade are intentionally hurting themselves by the eraser challenge. I just wanted to inform you all so you can talk to your child about the damages to their body. Many boys have seen on social networks challenges to complete. The recent challenges have been wearing their bathing suit in the snow and such. This challenge is different. Students are scrubbing an eraser on their hand until it goes through a few layers of skin leaving a deep red mark. After that they put hand sanitizer on it to make it burn.This is actually a chemical burn and can leave scars.   As a teacher, I am very concerned that boys (maybe girls too) are intentionally hurting themselves in this way and wanted you all to be aware of the situation. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Weekly Update 3/10- 3/14

We were be learning about the Respiratory System this week in class.

Wednesday there will be a homework assignment.
Friday there will be a quiz on Circulatory and Respiratory Systems.
Friday we will also be learning CPR! I think this is a useful skill student should know and it goes right along with the respiratory system.

No flashcards this week. Study the PowerPoint and your notes.

Have a great week everyone.

Mrs. Fail

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Due to the ice some things need to be switched around.

1. I will be absent tomorrow and I expect students to act like mature students while I'm gone.

2. Homework will be assigned tomorrow night. I have already sent this via email, paper copies will be on the front desk for students to take if needed.

3. The quiz Friday will be combined with next Friday's Respiratory quiz. This means no quiz this Friday, but a longer quiz next Friday.

4. I gave students a Scholastic news last Friday to be due today. Over half the students did not complete theirs today. Students need to be more responsible and their grades will suffer.

Mrs. Fail

Friday, February 28, 2014

Happy Friday,

Cells tests have been graded and reports emailed to student email address. Parents, please view your child's grade by their email.

As a note to everyone, I will be absent Tuesday of next week. My expectations for behavior are high and I expect students to act their best for the substitute.

Next week we will be starting the human body. My goal is to teach a system a week and have a quiz each Friday. Following learning all the systems we will have a big test closer to the end of March. There will be NO flashcards until the test and will give the words out to students in a few weeks. First topic: Circulatory System (I know I don't like blood either).

Monday, February 24, 2014

Agenda for work this week:

Wednesday- homework on cells due.
Thursday- Flashcards on cells due. 5B and 5C need to bring materials to class to build their 3D cell.
Friday- Short test on Cells.

Tomorrow we will be sending home an in-school field trip permission slip. Good news is, it if FREE! Please sign and return if you give your child permission to participate. From my understanding it is a show for Amazing Animals.

I hope everyone has a great week. I am looking forward to our unit on the systems of the body during the month of March!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Progress Reports go home today. Please sign and return them to school on Monday.

5C students have been grouped and will be making a 3D cell in class Thursday. They can use household items. Please do not buy anything! I have objects I will bring in if needed.

Next Thursday flashcards for cells are due and there will be a short test Friday.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Thursday we will be starting our topic on Cells. Friday progress reports will go home. Many students will have lower than expected grades or zeros because work is not being completed, it is turned in days late or not turned in at all. I have reminded students multiple times and it is time for them to accept responsibility for their actions.

Monday, February 17, 2014

We had a great party. Tomorrow it is time to get serious and work.

Flashcards due
Homework due
All 50 States Test

Heat and Energy Test

Progress reports go home.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Dear students, 

On Monday, please be ready to turn in your Conduction, Convection and Radiation homework for a grade! We will have the Valentine's Day party like we had planned. Tuesday, prepare for your States Test, turn in vocabulary, and we will have study stations for our Heat/Energy Test. Test on Wednesday along with a graded Scholastic News. Thursday and Friday we will start CELLS. Please bring your headphones. 

IF you need any help on Conduction, Convection, Radiation and heat, please email me. I am sorry we have missed so many days but we cannot spend much more time on CCR. 


Monday, February 10, 2014

There is homework tonight on Conduction, Convection and Radiation for a grade. Students may use their notes to help them.

***If you have not turned in field trip permission slips and money, please do so ASAP. ***

Solar Oven Projects were given today. They are due April 25, so you have plenty of time to complete. If you have any questions please ask.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Valentine's Day Update:
We are planning to have an activity in all 3 rooms for the Valentine's Day celebration. Students will rotate every 30 minutes.
Room 1- Food.
Room 2- Fun music and dancing
Room 3- Exchange cards and photo area

A list of student names per homeroom will be distributed tomorrow if you desire to make Valentines cards.
On Thursday, I am planning to have students decorate their own box with their name on it. Students will need to bring a box or container from home to collect cards. I truly hope students have a great time, we have planned so hard.

ALL 50 STATES TEST- 2-13-14
Flashcards due 2-17-14
Energy Test 2-18-14

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tomorrow we will begin our next science topic on Energy and Heat! I love learning about this.

Some students may need to finish the Scholastic News from today during class. There is a link to the left which will direct students to the correct online issue. The student password for our class is: tealloud105
Hard copies were provided for students who do not have internet access at home.

Test grades will be emailed to students by tomorrow.
Sort quiz on the western states tomorrow.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Auction date is Friday, Feb. 21st 2014

NCS annual auction is coming soon. Mrs. Fail's homeroom theme is "GRILLING." If anyone can donate items related to grilling by the 18th that would be great!
Welcome Back! Everyone did very well today during the Awards Ceremony; it is always nice to see students be recognized for their hard work. I was disappointed today when many students arrived to school without their work from last week. Students had extra days to complete all assignments and were still missing work. Parents, please talk to your children about being responsible and turning in work on time.

Tomorrow is our Civil War Test
Western States Quiz Wednesday
Flashcards are LATE.
Civil War packets are LATE.
Late means that points will be deducted from the grade.


Mrs. Fail

Thursday, January 30, 2014


We have had our fun in the snow but it is going to be time to work come Monday.
1. Reading Packets due Monday.
2. States Project due Monday. 
3. Civil War Test Tuesday.

We are way behind now and need to finish up the Civil War ASAP. Our next Science topic is on Energy and Heat. Please bring your headphones next week. 

The Civil War was our last full Social Studies topic of the year. Our grades for SS will mostly consist of Scholastic News, Geography sheets, States activities, Current Events, and other small activities. With this in mind, please do not let your SS grade go slacking because opportunities to bring it up will be limited. 

See you Monday, 

Mrs. Fail 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Today in class we will complete an activity on analyzing old Civil War letters and pictures. Since we are releasing early, we did not have a full class period and I'm asking students to complete the assignment at home. Sorry for the unplanned homework. If it snows, have fun!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Extra Credit

Extra Credit due Feb. 7

You are allowed to come into school early and use the Chromebooks to help with this extra credit. All you need to do is follow the 3 steps on this website. Since this may take a while, I have extended the due date past the test.

Flashcards due tomorrow on quizlet or paper.

Civil war reading packet due Thursday.

As of right now we are still on schedule for test on Friday and Western states quiz on Monday. If you have a snow day, I may look at rearranging some things.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I would just like to take a second to clarify that the Valentine's Day Dance will be during school from 10:00- 11:30 on Feb. 14. This is an early release day so school will be dismissed at 11:45. We will NOT be having a dance after school. Several boys and girls I talk to are worried about having to dance with a special person. This dance is meant to be fun and a group social event... nothing more. Sorry for any confusion. It would be nice if students dress nicely for the occasion.

If you have any questions please contact a 5th grade teacher.

Thanks, we look forward to a fun time.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Report Cards

Report cards went home with students today. There was an issue with Art grades, everyone received an S in my homeroom. 

EOG workbooks are $11.50. Please send money by Feb. 14 if you are interested in purchasing. 

Next Week:
1. Flashcards due Tuesday
2. Civil War reading packet due Thursday
3. Test Civil War on Friday ** If you are leaving early due to awards please take your test Thursday or Monday**
4. Quiz on Western region of U.S. Feb. 3