Friday, October 11, 2013

Test Next Friday!!! Flashcards due Wednesday. I will grade the homework this weekend, some are already graded. To view the grade just open back up the document and check the comments.

Have a Grrrreat weekend!

Love, Mrs. Fail

Below is a review of what we did in class today.

Video from class:

Important things you need to know on your notes:
- Clouds consist of billions of tiny Water droplets or Ice Crystals
- Cirrus clouds are made up of tiny ice crystals. They appear before a cold font. We we know that cold fronts have thunderstorms. So, if you see these clouds, beware that a thunderstorm is near. 

- Cumulus clouds are the white and puffy clouds you see on sunny days. 

- Cumulonimbus clouds are the big thunder clouds. 

- Stratus clouds are low level and thick like a blanket over the sky. You see those on rainy days. (like this week)

- Fog is low stratus clouds on the ground. 

Hurricanes gain their energy from WARM water. Therefore, they form near the equator and follow the warm Gulf stream. As it follows the gulf stream, it gains power from the warm water. Look at the picture, the hurricane is gaining power or energy from the warm water. 

Climate- is the average weather over a long period of time. 
El Nino- Is a change in the climate for about a year. What happens is the water in the Pacific Ocean gets usually warm, and disrupts the jet stream. 
La Nina- is opposite, the water is cold. 

Below are the videos we did not watch but are helpful.