Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Flashcards are due tomorrow. Again, there are only 29 words and the links on the blog will help you with definitions.

Here is the list:
1.   Temperature
2.   Barometer
3.   Jet Stream
4.   Air Pressure
5.   High Pressure
6.   Low Pressure
7.   Anemometer
8.   Rain Gauge
9.   Humidity
10.                     Thermometer
11.                     Cirrus Cloud
12.                     Stratus Cloud
13.                     Cumulus Cloud
14.                     Cumulonimbus Cloud
15.                     Weather
16.                     Climate
17.                     Atmosphere
18.                     Meteorologist
19.                     Prevailing Winds
20.                     Front
21.                     Warm Front
22.                     Cold Front
23.                     Stationary Front
24.                     El Nino
25.                     La Nina
26.                     Sea Breeze
27.                     Land Breeze
28.                     Air Mass

29.                     Coriolis Effect 

We have been filling out weather data using wral.com for the past few days during class. I will be grading the weather book. If students were absent or are missing a day, please fill out the missing information. I understand you cannot go back to old days, but just use tonight's weather if you need it.
