Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Weekly Update:

1. Surveys will go home tomorrow and it is very important that we get them back as soon as possible.

2. Midwest State Projects are due Nov. 4

3. Flashcards due Nov. 6

4. Homework pack due Friday- Students were given a Revolutionary War homework packet to complete and turn in by Friday. I know Halloween is on Thursday, so I would advise students to finish it early and turn it in before Friday.

5. Midwest States quiz on Monday.

6. Teacher's Birthday Party Friday- during lunch on Friday, we will be celebrating Mrs. Tyson, Mr. Knight and Mrs. Fail's birthdays. Students need to bring their own drinks.

Friday, October 25, 2013

The students looked great today in all their Halloween attire.

I have graded the quizzes in my first two class and have emailed the grades. Hopefully, I will be able to grade 5A's quiz by this afternoon. Please check the email from "noreply" subject: "Record of grades" for their scores.

Have a great 3 day weekend! Please take this time to work on your state project.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Quiz Tomorrow on the Water Cycle

Pictures went home today with the students.

Tomorrow is early release at 11:45. Students will be allowed to eat a snack about 10:00.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Our last homework grade for the 9 weeks is tonight's water cycle homework!!!!! Please use the notes to help you.

The Quiz Friday will be on the next 9 weeks since tomorrow is our last day of the quarter.

Extra Credit SS Current Events are due tomorrow

Reminder that the 2nd set of the States Projects are due Nov. 4. I have seen some rough drafts already and they are looking good.

If students want to wear their Halloween costume Friday, it will cost $1.00

Reminder that Friday is early release at 11:45 and Monday is a Teacher Workday.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Who wants extra points?

Extra Credit on Quiz: 
Track your water usage for 2 days and get +5 points on Friday's Quiz


It has come to our attention that there is a “tagging” game going on between students in the 5th grade. I am notifying the parents to inform you that if it is seen, your child will be sent to the office. Please talk to your child about keeping their hands and feet to themselves.

Mrs. Fail
Today we started the Water Cycle for one week. There will be a quiz on Friday (very short about 10-15 questions).

Please visit the Water Cycle Symbaloo for fun practice.

Tonight: Students need to complete the summary on what they learned from their notes and begin learning the steps of the water cycle. Now, when I say learn, I do not mean memorizing the steps. I told students today they can memorize evaporation, condensation, precipitation runoff...and go over and over again but that's not learning. Students need to know what is happening to the water in each step.

Evaporation is when the sun heats up water in rivers or lakes or the ocean and turns it into vapor or steam. The water vapor or steam leaves the river, lake or ocean and goes into the air.

Water vapor in the air gets cold and changes back into liquid, forming clouds. This is called condensation.

Precipitation occurs when so much water has condensed that the air cannot hold it anymore.  The clouds get heavy and water falls back to the earth in the form of rain, hail, sleet or snow.

Runoff: When water falls back to earth as precipitation, it may fall back in the oceans, lakes or rivers or it may end up on land.  When it ends up on land, it will either soak into the earth and become part of the “ground water” that plants and animals use to drink or it may run over the soil and collect in the oceans, lakes or rivers where the cycle starts

all over again.

Transpiration is a new term which simply put means the evaporation of water from the plant leaves. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

For everyone who was here to take the test today, they have been graded and emailed to students. The email is from "noreply" and the subject is "record of grades..."

We have had a fun week, especially the day we made weather tools! Next week we will learn the Water Cycle and have a short quiz on Friday. Remember that Friday is an early release day. The end of the 9 weeks is on Thursday. This is also the day current event extra credit is due.

Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Flashcards are due tomorrow. Again, there are only 29 words and the links on the blog will help you with definitions.

Here is the list:
1.   Temperature
2.   Barometer
3.   Jet Stream
4.   Air Pressure
5.   High Pressure
6.   Low Pressure
7.   Anemometer
8.   Rain Gauge
9.   Humidity
10.                     Thermometer
11.                     Cirrus Cloud
12.                     Stratus Cloud
13.                     Cumulus Cloud
14.                     Cumulonimbus Cloud
15.                     Weather
16.                     Climate
17.                     Atmosphere
18.                     Meteorologist
19.                     Prevailing Winds
20.                     Front
21.                     Warm Front
22.                     Cold Front
23.                     Stationary Front
24.                     El Nino
25.                     La Nina
26.                     Sea Breeze
27.                     Land Breeze
28.                     Air Mass

29.                     Coriolis Effect 

We have been filling out weather data using wral.com for the past few days during class. I will be grading the weather book. If students were absent or are missing a day, please fill out the missing information. I understand you cannot go back to old days, but just use tonight's weather if you need it.


Monday, October 14, 2013

Happy Monday.

Tonight's homework is a paper copy of a weather worksheet. Please use notes and any other resources to help you.

Mrs. Fail

Friday, October 11, 2013

Test Next Friday!!! Flashcards due Wednesday. I will grade the homework this weekend, some are already graded. To view the grade just open back up the document and check the comments.

Have a Grrrreat weekend!

Love, Mrs. Fail

Below is a review of what we did in class today.

Video from class: 


Important things you need to know on your notes:
- Clouds consist of billions of tiny Water droplets or Ice Crystals
- Cirrus clouds are made up of tiny ice crystals. They appear before a cold font. We we know that cold fronts have thunderstorms. So, if you see these clouds, beware that a thunderstorm is near. 

- Cumulus clouds are the white and puffy clouds you see on sunny days. 

- Cumulonimbus clouds are the big thunder clouds. 

- Stratus clouds are low level and thick like a blanket over the sky. You see those on rainy days. (like this week)

- Fog is low stratus clouds on the ground. 

Hurricanes gain their energy from WARM water. Therefore, they form near the equator and follow the warm Gulf stream. As it follows the gulf stream, it gains power from the warm water. Look at the picture, the hurricane is gaining power or energy from the warm water. 

Climate- is the average weather over a long period of time. 
El Nino- Is a change in the climate for about a year. What happens is the water in the Pacific Ocean gets usually warm, and disrupts the jet stream. 
La Nina- is opposite, the water is cold. 

Below are the videos we did not watch but are helpful.  

Thursday, October 10, 2013

After reviewing lesson plans. We will not be doing another topic of Social Studies before the end of the grading period. Therefore, if you are unhappy with your grade, please complete the extra credit.


Current Event Extra Credit
Due: 10-24-13
(Last day of the 9 weeks)
Students will be researching current events for Social Studies class for extra credit of 10 points on their lowest grade. Limit of only 3 current events per student.  Students are responsible for finding an appropriate article from a newspaper, magazine or printed from the internet. The article must be handed in with the summary and reflection and must be less than one month old.

Must Include:
·       Title of Article
·       Date Published
·       Author
·       Student Name
·       Summary
·       Reflection
What to include in the summary:  Main Ideas.  I should be able to know what the article is about without reading the actual article.  It is very important that the summary is written in your own words.

What to include in the reflection:  How you feel about the topic.  How you liked the article.  Your opinion of what you think should be done.
a.   Why did you choose the article?
b.  Was the article interesting to you?
c.   How did the article make you feel? Does what you read make you angry? sad? happy? annoyed? scared?
d.   Did you change your opinion after reading the article?
e.   What would you do to change the situation?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Students have a Weather homework assignment. It is titled "Weather Homework" in the email, or students who needed a paper copy were given one. Please follow all instructions carefully if students do the homework on the computer.

Please note, if students spend 15-20 minutes on their homework then I do not expect them to work on their flashcards.

Weather Flashcards are due 10/16/13

Weather Test: 10/18/13

On that note of flashcards- there are only 29 flashcards assigned for Weather. My blog link has over 50! So, you can use my blog "Weather Vocabulary" link to help you but if your child does over 50, then they are not following directions and we will not learn all those words. Please do not waste your time. No, I will not give extra credit for students not following directions. Sorry.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Rain, Rain, go away....

Tonight please work on flashcards so students can study weather.

5C- please begin learning the layers of the atmosphere in order!

Parents- please quiz your child on Part 1 of the notes.

Here is the link for Part 1 PowerPoint:   Link PowerPoint

Monday, October 7, 2013

Today was a perfect day to start learning about weather. The humidity was 95% this morning! Wow. We will be learning about weather for the next two weeks. The test is planned for Oct. 18. Flashcards are due on Oct. 16. The students were emailed the list of words for complete flashcards on quizlet.com or on paper notecards. The email was subjected "Weather Vocab." On the left side of my blog, I have terms students can use to help them complete the flashcards.

I will say that Ecosystems was the longest science topic of the year and now Weather is probably going to be the most difficult to understand. Usually since students cannot see what is going on in the atmosphere it is hard for them to relate things such as air masses, fronts, and jet streams. The reason why I am teaching these topics first, is so we can review all year.

Tonight students are asked to complete a summary of what they learned on Part 1 of the notes. We will review and complete Part 1 of the notes with correct answers tomorrow.

Mrs. Fail

Thursday, October 3, 2013

SS Test tomorrow.

Please study notes and flashcards.

We now have a conference sign up for 5th grade. On the right side there is a link "Conference Sign Up." If you would like to schedule a conference, please sign up here.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Lab Supplies needed.

In about 2 weeks we will be doing a lab in science on weather. I have requested an update for the Signup Genius for the following items.

50 Balloons
50 Medium Rubber Bands
3 Rolls of Tape
50 Straws

300 Dixie Cups
100 Straws
50 Thumb Tacks

Please sign up if you are able to help.



Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Quiz Grades

I have graded the states quiz from today. I am so proud of some students and disappointed in others. There was no middle ground, grades were very high, or very low. I fear that some students could not recover from this if I keep the grades. Therefore, ANYONE can retake the quiz tomorrow morning before school states to try and get a better score. Please check the student emails to view grades.

Some students STILL have not turned in flashcards and late points will be deducted until they are turned in.

Battle of the Books information was sent home today to my homeroom.

Leadership opportunity

I received a letter today for nominations to attend the People to People Leadership Ambassador Program. Please review the link to see if you are interested. If I recall from last year, I can nominate 10 students, so the 1st 10 that emails me will be nominated. Submissions for nominees are due Oct. 28.
