Monday, April 8, 2013

Welcome Back!

We have about 8 weeks left of school so we need to work hard until then. Tonight's homework is the back of the Scholastic News.

Projects are due Friday!!! The rubric needs to be attached so I can grade easily. Thank You; I am looking forward to some good projects.

Project for 5B and 5C

Presentations will take place on
April 12, 2013

NAME ___________________________
Use these questions as a guide during the creation of your project.  These questions are the minimum number of questions that need to be answered during your presentation. Display your findings on a posterboard or powerpoint (10 slides minimum). Use pictures to add visual representation. Other software you may use to present is: VoiceThread, Glogster, Prezi, iMovie or any free software. Use school email to make free accounts.

Answer in Presentation:

1.     What is the disease?
Provide a detailed description
2.     Who gets this disease? 
3.     Describe symptoms people may have if they suffer from this disease.

4.     How is the disease spread?  What type of pathogen is this disease? 
Use proper vocabulary words describe the type of pathogen and transmission

5.     How do we take preventative measures against this disease?

6.     Treatments-if none how do people manage with the disease?

7.     Famous people who has this disease?

8.     Interesting facts and information-at least 3 interesting facts and/or statistics

9.     Presentation-presentation is 2-3 minutes. You will be graded on how you present yourself and speak to the class.

10.                        Cite your sources.


What is the disease?
Clearly stated with visual representation.
Clearly stated, but lacks details.
Not clearly stated, includes grammar errors
Not present.
Who gets disease?
Clearly stated with visual representation.
Clearly stated, but lacks details.
Not clearly stated, includes grammar errors
Not present.
How is it spread?
Clearly stated with visual representation.
Clearly stated, but lacks details.
Not clearly stated, includes grammar errors
Not present.
Preventative measures
Clearly stated with visual representation.
Clearly stated, but lacks details.
Not clearly stated, includes grammar errors
Not present.
Clearly stated with visual representation.
Clearly stated, but lacks details.
Not clearly stated, includes grammar errors
Not present.
Famous People
Clearly stated with visual representation.
Clearly stated, but lacks details.
Not clearly stated, includes grammar errors
Not present.
Clearly states 3 facts with visual representation.
Clearly stated, but lacks details.
Not clearly stated, includes grammar errors
Not present.
Speaks loud and clear to audience. Makes eye contact. Knows topic well.
Speaks clearly and/or makes eye contact. Knows about the topic.
Does not speak clearly or make eye contact. Seems to know little about topic.
Does not present.

Please attach to project or hand in a copy to teacher.

Grade:__________/ 24 = __________

5A's Project
Human Body Systems Project
1. Choose one of the following six human body systems we have learned about:
·         The Nervous System
·         The Circulatory System
·         The Respiratory System
·         The Digestive System
·         The Muscular System
·         The Skeletal System
2. Your task is to make a 3-D model of one of these systems and make a presentation about it to the class.
-Your model can be functioning or not
-Your model can be made out of clay, dry food, household objects, etc.
-Be creative!!!
-You must label the following major organs of each system:
·         The Nervous System-brain, nerves, spinal cord
·         The Circulatory System-heart, arteries, veins, pulmonary artery, capillaries
·         The Respiratory System-mouth, nose, trachea, lungs
·         The Digestive System-mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine
·         The Muscular System-triceps, biceps, abdominals, quadriceps, hamstring
·         The Skeletal System-skull, sternum humerous, ulna, radius, phalanges, rib cage, spine, pelvis, femur, patella, fibula, tibia
3. Create a presentation needs to be approximately 3 minutes in length. Your presentation needs to include:
1. The body system you chose
2. Why you chose it
3. The major processes the body system does
4. The functions of each of the major organs (why they are each important)
5. Five interesting facts about that system
6. Ways we can keep the body system healthy
7. Creativity-Think about how you can present your information in a creative way:
infomercial, news report, using technology, etc.
4. Use your notes, handouts, books, home research, etc. to help you do your best work on this project.
DUE DATE: April 12

 Please attach rubric to project. 

Did you tell us…
What body system you chose? ________pts/5
Why you chose it?________pts/5
The major processes the body system does?_____pts/20
The functions of each of the major organs (why they are each important)?____pts/30
Five interesting facts about that system?____pts./10
Ways we can keep the body system healthy?_____pts/10
In a creative way?._____pts/20
Did you…
Make a model of your system that resembles what the system looks like? ___pts/20
Label each organ?____pts/10
Use creativity? _____pts/10
Make your project neat and organized?____pts/10

Score: __________/ 150 = _____________