Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hello Everyone,

I hope we are ready for another great week at NCS. This week I will be sending home a green slip of paper with the practice EOG results. Please sign and return to school. We will be reviewing the Ecosystem on Monday, quiz Tuesday, then reviewing Heat Energy and Force/Motion for the rest of the week.

Most students did great on the Ecosystem, Human Body, and Heredity on the practice EOG. Our weak points are Force/Motion, Weather, Matter and Heat Transfer.

Force and Motion Key Vocabulary:

Force- A push or a pull of an object
Speed - The distance an object moves in a given amount of time
Motion - A change in the position of an object as it is moving
Friction-  A force that slows down a moving object when it rubs against another object
Gravity - A force that attracts objects to each other. The force of gravity holds you to Earth.

Heat Transfer Key Vocabulary:
Heat- a form of thermal energy. Transfers energy from warmer object to cooler objects.
Insulator- a material in which heat and electricity cannot flow though.
Convection- the transfer of heat from one place to another though fluids
Conductor- an object that allows the flow of electrical charge.
Radiation- energy that travels through space by waves.
Temperature- the measure of heat

Matter Key Vocabulary:
solid- an object with an exact shape and size
liquid- has exact size, but no shape: wet
gas- has no shape or size, like air
physical properties- things that can be seen, touched, or measured about something
chemical change- make something change into something different
physical change- changes in something (like size or shape) that don't make it into something different
melting point- the temperature where a solid
boiling point- the temperature where a liquid boils and turns into a gas
evaporate- to change a liquid to a vapor using heat
condense- to change a gas into a liquid
condensationhow a gas is changed back into a liquid
freezing point- the temperature where a liquid changes into a solid
densityhow close the smallest parts of the object are
mass- the amount of stuff (matter) in an object
volume- the amount of space that an object takes up
matter- anything that has mass and takes up space

Weather Key Vocabulary
water cycle- the constant movement of water
evaporation- the process of becoming a vapor
precipitation- the falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist)
ground water- underground water that is held in the soil or aquifer 
front - the boundary between two different air masses
land breeze- breeze at night flowing from the land to the sea
sea breeze- breeze flowing during the day from the sea to the land
hygrometer- Measures humidity
anemometer- instrument used to measure wind speed
barometer- an instrument used to measure air pressure
troposphere- the layer closest to Earth, where almost all weather occurs; the thinnest layer
wind - air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure
westerlies- prevailing winds that blow from west to east in the United States
prevailing winds- the global winds that blow constantly from the same direction
greenhouse effect- warming that results when solar radiation is trapped by the atmosphere
El Nino- a short term climate change as a result of unusual warming of currents in Pacific Ocean.
climate- the average weather conditions in an area over a long period of time
weather- the condition of Earth's atmosphere at a particular time and place
cirrus- Wispy, feathery clouds made of ice crystals that form at high levels- usually mean fair weather or a change in weather
cumulus- Thick, fluffy clouds with flat bases, formed by vertically rising air currents- usually mean fair weather
cumulonimbus- A type of cumulus cloud that is tall and gray, and associated with thunderstorms.
stratus- Clouds that form in flat layers and often cover much of the sky- usually mean rain or snow
high pressure- A mass of sinking cool air that usually bring fair weather.
low pressure- A mass of rising warm air that usually bring wet, stormy weather.
warm front- a front where warm air moves over cold air and brings drizzly rain and then are followed by warm and clear weather
cold front - Forms when a cold air mass pushes a warm air mass;thunderheads can form followed by cool, fair weather.
wind vane- Instrument used to measure wind direction
condensation- the process by which molecules of water vapor in the air become liquid water
run-off- Water (usually from rain) that flows over a land surface in streams and water ways

Weather has the most definitions because it has the highest percent of questions on the EOG. 
Here are some links I found this weekend to help you!

Sea/Land Breeze - Notice how the temperature of water never changes. During the day the sand is much hotter and at night the sand is much cooler. Uneven heating causes the breeze to flow in different directions. Also recall water takes longer to heat than solids.