Thursday, October 11, 2012

There will be a Social Studies test on Tuesday. The topic will be on Early Settlement, Native Americans and Pilgrims.

Things to know:
Thousands of years ago people traveled across a land bridge to reach North America
Christopher Columbus was the first explorer to discover the Americas. He landed in the Caribbean but thought he was in the Indies Islands off the coast of India. On the voyage, Columbus used navigation tools such as a map, compass, hour glass, and astrolabe.
The United State’s first permanent settlement by Spain in 1565 was St. Augustine
North America was divided into territories by Spain, England, France and the Netherlands. Students need to know which regions they occupied. 
Native Americans used animal for hunting, making weapons, making clothes, and other useful items, especially buffalo.
Native Americans began to settle in one place and not roam around in search for food because they were able to grow crops. 
England’s first colony, on Roanoke Island, failed in 1585. What may have been some reasons they disappeared?
Virginia Dare was the first English child born in America. 
Aboard the Mayflower, the Mayflower Compact was signed that gave colonists the right to govern themselves. 

Study all vocabulary words