Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Science Extra Credit

I would like students to find a news article, magazine article, internet article, or televised news broadcast that relates to environmental water. This could be a topic such as water pollution, limited water supply, water quality, new water treatment research, etc. as long as it deals with water and the environment. If you are having problems finding an article or news video, I found a great CBS news report. Some may want to search the local newspapers, this is why it may take a few days to find a decent article.

-The article/news report must be current (2007-2012). 
-Summarize the article and tell me how it impacts your life. I expect students to write between 1/2 to 3/4 of a sheet of notebook paper to receive full points. 
- Please print the article and attach it to the extra credit. If it is a news video, please write down the date, time, and channel the report aired. 

Due on test day: Oct 8

Feel free to ask me any questions.


Mrs. Fail