Wednesday, October 31, 2012

 Aquatic Biomes Websites

Ocean Layers


World Biomes Aquatic

Tomorrow is picture retake day for any students who were not happy with the first pictures.

Students will have a quiz on the 13 colonies next week. Please study. 

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween!!!!

Friday, October 26, 2012

From 5th Grade Room Parents:  We are working on planning field trips and parties, as well as addressing continued volunteer needs, for our 5th grade classes. The teachers have completed a survey which will help us with this planning process. We would also like to have input from as many parents as possible and are therefore suggesting the following three dates as options for a 5th grade parent meeting:  Friday Nov. 2nd at noon (We could meet and have lunch shortly after the award's ceremony.),  Wednesday Nov. 7th immediately after school and Friday Nov. 9th immediately after school. Please send an email response to Ms. Faison at indicating your preference.

Thank you and we are looking forward to meeting with everyone!
I hope everyone has fun at the Boo-ster Bash!!!!! Try and stay safe this weekend as the hurricane comes.

Mrs. Fail

P.S. Everyone looked so cute in their Halloween costumes today.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Know for Science Biomes Test

- Characteristics of each biome: Desert, Tundra, Taiga, Grassland, Rain forest, Deciduous Forest
- Know which biomes receive more/less annual rainfall.  
- How animals adapt to the different biomes
- Human actions such as developing land is a major cause of disruption to these biomes. 
- How a predators and preys affect the population of organisms. 
- Vocabulary: 
Limiting Factor
Endangered Species

Test Extra Credit

Use the Science Daily website or another news website to find a current event article on any biome of choice. Summarize the article and attach it to a printed copy. 
Due Oct. 30 (Test Day)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I hope everyone had a great long weekend and are ready to get back to work. This week we will be spending most of the class period working on the group Biome's Project. To speed up the process it would be nice if students could research at home if they can.
There will be a test on the Biomes and Ecosystem Oct. 30. 
This includes:
Rain forest
Deciduous Forest

Thursday, October 18, 2012

We are embarking on an in-class group project for the next couple of days. Each student was given a copy of the procedures and guidelines. After speaking with the technology teacher, this projected will be completed on the computer as a brochure. We need to make sure all students have 21st century technology skills. Students may decide to do some research at home, but the project will be completed here at school. There will be no materials, poster boards, or anything else needed; after just completing a SS project, I do not want to overwhelm the parents. However, if you have any books on Biomes we can borrow that would be appreciated and help our research.

Each group has a different Biome. It may be:
Deciduous Forest

The above link World Biomes will help with research.


Mrs. Fail

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Homework: Tonight's homework is to finish the foldable from class. Students may use their notes or this website to help them. 5A did not get to complete the foldable due to the assembly. Therefore, it would be nice if students reviewed information on the website.



Pictures went home today.
Yearbooks are on sale for $20.
Students may bring $1.00 to school if they wish to dress up for Halloween on Friday, Oct. 26.
-No masks
- No Blood/Gore
-No Weapons

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Year book order forms went home last week and I only have a few turned in. The deadline is Oct. 30. If you want a yearbook, please bring the money with the attached order form to me as soon as possible.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

There will be a Social Studies test on Tuesday. The topic will be on Early Settlement, Native Americans and Pilgrims.

Things to know:
Thousands of years ago people traveled across a land bridge to reach North America
Christopher Columbus was the first explorer to discover the Americas. He landed in the Caribbean but thought he was in the Indies Islands off the coast of India. On the voyage, Columbus used navigation tools such as a map, compass, hour glass, and astrolabe.
The United State’s first permanent settlement by Spain in 1565 was St. Augustine
North America was divided into territories by Spain, England, France and the Netherlands. Students need to know which regions they occupied. 
Native Americans used animal for hunting, making weapons, making clothes, and other useful items, especially buffalo.
Native Americans began to settle in one place and not roam around in search for food because they were able to grow crops. 
England’s first colony, on Roanoke Island, failed in 1585. What may have been some reasons they disappeared?
Virginia Dare was the first English child born in America. 
Aboard the Mayflower, the Mayflower Compact was signed that gave colonists the right to govern themselves. 

Study all vocabulary words
SS projects are do tomorrow!!!! I am looking forward to them. In the classroom I have labeled areas for each class to store their projects in case they want to drop the project off early in the morning. Please remind students to be very careful and also respect others' projects.


P.S. We will be needing several packages of colored toothpicks for an upcoming lab.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

There will be a SS test next week on Oct. 16. We will be studying in class but they need to study at home also. The topics will be Early Civilization, Native Americans and Colonies.

Extra Credit:

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

For an upcoming lab on animal camouflage, I need several containers of colored toothpicks.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Native American Project- Due Oct. 12

Goal of Project: To learn about a Native American Tribe.

Project: Create a display/exhibit that shows what life was like for your chosen Native American tribe.  The Native American tribe must be from one of the four regions across the United States (Eastern Woodland, Plains, Northwest Coastal, or Southwest). Students can choose from the following displays:

  • A shoebox diorama (covered to hide ―NIKE, etc.; explanations could be
on signs or neatly displayed on the outside of the box.)
  • A 3-D model on a flat surface (with signs for explanations, map, etc.)
  • A book or brochure (student’s own words)
  • A poster board (student’s own words)

Requirements: For whichever method you choose, your project should include the following:

  1. Home- should include the type of home they lived in and what part of the country they are from
  2. Food- should include what kinds of food they ate, how they prepared it, and how they got their food
  3. Traditions- should include rituals, customs, or beliefs the tribe had.
  4. Artifact- can be handmade and relate to the tribe.(No weapons please)

Poster and Brochure:
Must include the following:
  1. At least 5 pictures (these can be printed from the computer or drawn yourself)
  2. Reference: This can be written on the back of your poster.

3-D Display and Shoebox:
1. Your three-dimensional display can be done on a flat piece of cardboard or in a small box. You can use a variety of different objects such as pipe cleaners, toothpicks, cotton balls, etc to display the different requirements.
2. Reference: This can be written on a small piece of paper or index card and attached to the bottom or back side of your display.

*All displays must include a reference section
**All students must present on the due date.

Extra Credit: Dress like a Native American from your tribe on the presentation day.

Please Print and attach Rubric to the project for easy grading.

4 Excellent
3 Proficient
2 Needs Improvement
1 Unacceptable
Provides excellent
details and display of tribe. Includes a reference section.

Provides detailed information about the tribe. Includes a reference section.
Provides some detailed information about the tribe and/or does not include a reference section.
Little to no information provided. Does not include a reference section.
Artifact presented
accurately reflects the
tribe of choice by giving supporting evidence during oral presentation.
Artifact presented
accurately reflects the tribe of choice by giving some supporting evidence during oral presentation.
Artifact presented
somewhat reflects the tribe of choice by giving some supporting evidence during oral presentation.
Artifact not
Visual presented from the choices accurately displays
content information in an organized and neat way.
Visual presented from the choices displays content
information in a mostly organized and neat way.
Visual presented from the choices displays content
information in a
somewhat organized and
neat way.
Visual presented from the choices displays content
information in a
somewhat disorganized
Uses appropriate visual and artifact during presentation and presents information in a clear, organized manner, highlighting important details.
Uses appropriate visual and artifact during presentation and presents information in a mostly clear, organized manner,
highlighting most
important details
Uses appropriate visual and artifact during presentation and presents information in a
somewhat clear,
organized manner,
highlighting some
important details
Uses appropriate visual and artifact during presentation and presents information in a somewhat disorganized manner,
highlighting few
important details

Project Title:______________________________
Total Points: _________/16
Final Grade:


I am very pleased with the test scores today. Thank you for studying over the weekend. Native American projects are due Friday. Please print the rubric and attach it to the project.

Mrs. Fail

Friday, October 5, 2012


Have a great weekend.

Mrs. Fail

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Here are some online quizzes and questions that may help with the test! Some questions we did not discuss but students should be able to answer most questions.

For Science Test

Water Cycle Vocabulary
Water Table

Parts of the Water Cycle
What happens in each stage of the water cycle
The SUN powers the water cycle
The water cycle is the Earth's way of recycling water
Our water is reused over and over again, making it millions of years old. 
Examples of surface water
Parts of the Biosphere 
Water can also transpire from plants quickly on a dry day, and slowly on a humid day. 
What is the difference between the oceans?
Explain how water is filtered and treated. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Science Extra Credit

I would like students to find a news article, magazine article, internet article, or televised news broadcast that relates to environmental water. This could be a topic such as water pollution, limited water supply, water quality, new water treatment research, etc. as long as it deals with water and the environment. If you are having problems finding an article or news video, I found a great CBS news report. Some may want to search the local newspapers, this is why it may take a few days to find a decent article.

-The article/news report must be current (2007-2012). 
-Summarize the article and tell me how it impacts your life. I expect students to write between 1/2 to 3/4 of a sheet of notebook paper to receive full points. 
- Please print the article and attach it to the extra credit. If it is a news video, please write down the date, time, and channel the report aired. 

Due on test day: Oct 8

Feel free to ask me any questions.


Mrs. Fail
Online Water Cycle Information

This will help students with their quiz and test.
Yearbook orders will go home this week, but actual yearbooks will not be distributed until the end of the year. 

Book Fair is next week.

Tomorrow there will be a simple quiz on the Water Cycle. 
The take home "How much water do you use?" lab is due tomorrow
Science test is on Monday
Native American projects are due Oct. 12

Monday, October 1, 2012

For Science Test

Water Cycle Vocabulary
Water Table

Parts of the Water Cycle
What happens in each stage of the water cycle
The SUN powers the water cycle
The water cycle is the Earth's way of recycling water
Our water is reused over and over again, making it millions of years old. 
Examples of surface water
Parts of the Biosphere 
Water can also transpire from plants quickly on a dry day, and slowly on a humid day. 
What is the difference between the oceans?
Explain how water is filtered and treated. 
Homework tonight is to finish the water conservation poster. 5B did not have time to start the poster due to our guest speaker in the gym. Most students enjoyed the speaker and we invite you to visit his website at

The Book Fair is next week. If you would like to look at items early Mrs. Souter has provided this link.

Take home Lab (How much water we use)- Oct 3
Science Test- Oct 8
Social Studies Project- Oct 12