Friday, August 30, 2013

Happy Friday everyone.

Please remember we do not have school on Monday.

Students were given their placements for 5A, 5B, and 5C today and are expected to make that change on Tuesday. Homerooms will remain the same, so students will come to homeroom in the mornings as normal.

Students technically do not have homework but flashcards are due Wednesday, along with a short Quiz.
Here is a list of the vocabulary words:
1.    empire
2.    migrate
3.    artifact
4.    civilization
5.    archaeologist
6.    topography
7.    hieroglyphics
8.    theocracy
9.    Tenochtitlan
10. Latitude
11. Longitude
12. Absolute Location
13. Relative Location
14. Natural Resources

15. Continental Divide

For fun, I found this link on Aztec life.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I think most students really enjoy learning about the Mayans and Aztecs. The 5B class has to write the letter for homework tonight because we ran out of time yesterday. Everyone else is free to work on their projects for homework.

I have graded mostly all the work turned in at this point that I have. Several students are already missing work; please ask your child if they are one of them. Grades are posted on a Comment in the document on Google Drive. All students (or parents) have to do is open the document and read the grades.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Homework: Write a letter explaining how each level of the Mayan people might have felt, Then explain which level you would want to be if you lived among the Mayan people.

You may use the Mayan Social Structure document from class to help you. 

Students can create a GoogleDoc or write it on Paper/Pencil and turn in tomorrow. Several students are having difficulty . Today we made note cards for students to keep and help them at home. 

I have graded the Longitude/Latitude homework and commented the grade on the document. Parents can log on the student's Google Drive and view their grade. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Several students had difficulty with their first homework assignment last night. I have reviewed how to properly turn in homework and will give students one more night to complete. Today we learned all about the early nomads that crossed the land bridge to North American. I found this website for students to review at home.

Roots of America

Monday, August 26, 2013

So sorry I am late posting. We do have our first graded homework tonight on longitude and latitude. Students were emailed and given all the instructions on how to submit. Points will be deducted if directions are not followed; we even practiced submitting in class today.

Friday, August 23, 2013


Students were assigned 50 States Projects today. Depending on the state your child has determines the due date. We will be talking about different regions at different times of the year. I have email the project, rubric, and assigned state to their student email account. If you have any questions, please send me an email. If parents would like a copy, please let me know and I can send it to you.

These two links found in the side of my blog will help students with bibliographies. NCS has specific requirements that must be met.

I am strict on plagiarism, please, Please, PLEASE, make sure your project is 100% yours and no one else!

The page requirements are the minimum; Yes, you may write more if needed. The more details, the better.

These links at the bottom left of my blog may contain information to help.

Have a great weekend.
Mrs. Fail

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Tonight's homework was to visit is what I would like you to read.

:-) Thanks!!! Be ready to discuss in class tomorrow. Have a great night

Love, Mrs. Fail

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Time to start another great year. Tonight's homework is to complete all signed documents and return to school (Including Acceptable Use form for Chromebooks). Also, please try and remember your school email and password. We will be exploring the computers tomorrow. :-)

Have a great night!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Open House: Friday, August 16 at 6:00pm

Parents: Please have student's binders and book bags organized prior to the first day of school. Any bulk items outside of the book bag will be considered classroom donations and stored at school. We will have a place to bring donations the night of Open House so the first day of school load is not overwhelming. Thanks :-)

I am looking forward to a great year and cannot wait to meet all your shining faces! If you have questions please email me at

Mrs. Fail