Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Extra Credit Research: Weather Folklore 

“When the dew is on the grass, rain will never come to pass.”

"Cold is the night when the stars shine bright"

"A ring around the sun or moon, means rain or snow coming soon"

Analyze ONE weather folklore. Is it true or false? State your opinion and give evidence to back up your answer. 

To know on test:
Thunderstorms- how they move, how they are created.
Tornadoes- how they are formed.
Hurricanes- where they travel, how do they get stronger, why do we track them? 
What is a flood?
Clouds: Know the difference between Stratus, Cirrus, and Cumulus. 
How are clouds formed?
What weather do the clouds predict?
-Which cloud is made up of ice crystals? 
-What is a stratus cloud near the ground called?
How to read a weather station model. 
What is climate? 
We determine climate by location, latitude, average temperature, average rainfall and average weather over 30 years. (there are many more ways, this is just a few)
Where are polar climates, tropical climates, and temperate climates on a map?