Thursday, August 30, 2012

As your child about Population in the United States, this is what we learned in Social Studies today. The last 20 minutes of class we reviewed for the Science test tomorrow!

Topics to quiz your child:
-direction wind patterns move over the US (West to East)
-Sea Breeze
-Land Breeze
-Air Pressure of temperatures (hot air is less dense and cold air is dense) 
-Air pressure decreases with altitude 
- Weather tools and their functions
- Winds blow from high pressure to low pressure
-Global Winds (We live in the Westerlies) 
-Prevailing winds are global winds that blow in the same direction
-What is global warming?
-Weather fronts (Difference between warm and cold front)
-what is the Coriolis effect?
- What is a convectional Current?
-Air Masses 
(Continental Polar, Maritime Polar, Continental Tropical, Maritime Tropical)
High winds occur when two air masses meet
-Why do we track weather?

Know this and ace the test!

Extra Credit:

Research convection ovens. Tell me how they work and how they are like the Earth's convectional currents.

Come in early tomorrow and complete it if you cannot at home.