Friday, August 31, 2012

We are sending home behavior updates for each child today. Please sign and return them by Tuesday.

Have a happy and safe 3 day weekend!

Mrs. Fail

Thursday, August 30, 2012

As your child about Population in the United States, this is what we learned in Social Studies today. The last 20 minutes of class we reviewed for the Science test tomorrow!

Topics to quiz your child:
-direction wind patterns move over the US (West to East)
-Sea Breeze
-Land Breeze
-Air Pressure of temperatures (hot air is less dense and cold air is dense) 
-Air pressure decreases with altitude 
- Weather tools and their functions
- Winds blow from high pressure to low pressure
-Global Winds (We live in the Westerlies) 
-Prevailing winds are global winds that blow in the same direction
-What is global warming?
-Weather fronts (Difference between warm and cold front)
-what is the Coriolis effect?
- What is a convectional Current?
-Air Masses 
(Continental Polar, Maritime Polar, Continental Tropical, Maritime Tropical)
High winds occur when two air masses meet
-Why do we track weather?

Know this and ace the test!

Extra Credit:

Research convection ovens. Tell me how they work and how they are like the Earth's convectional currents.

Come in early tomorrow and complete it if you cannot at home.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Science stations today was a great review for students. We added another fronts venn diagram to help them study.

Things to study:
Fronts Venn diagram

Extra Credit is due Friday before the test. Research convectional ovens and tell how it works. How do convectional ovens relate to convectional currents on Earth?

Have a great night!
Mrs. Fail

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Social Studies was today and we learned about the natural resources in the United States.

Tonight students need to study for their Science test and choose a project to complete. Every student must tell me on Friday what project choice they will complete.

Extra Credit on convectional ovens is also due as extra credit on the test.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tomorrow I will be giving out Science Projects. Please read the choices with your child and choose one that interest and challenges your child. All projects are due on September 17!

Our first Science test is Friday. Students need to study:
Foldables (Layers of the atmosphere and air masses)
Vocabulary Cards

Mrs. Fail

Weather Project
Listed below you will see different projects to complete and how they will be graded.  Choose the project you would most like to do.  Follow the rubric so that you can get the best possible grade.  Hand in the rubric along with your project.  You will lose 2 points for each day your project is late.  Your project is due: September 17

Choice 1
          Write a research report on a famous weather disaster. The report should be at least 2 pages double-spaced or handwritten.  You should not copy someone else’s work word-for-word. That is called plagiarism. For extra credit, you may present your report to the class.

        There is a title and reference section (10 points) _________
          Grammar/Spelling.                          (5 points) _________
          Informative report                        (35 points) _________
                                                              50 Total

These reports should also include data gathered from the Internet such as where the severe weather pattern normally occurs (geographic location), under what conditions it forms, how it moves (how fast, in what directions, etc.), what type of damage it can cause, how it can be predicted, what steps can be taken to prepare for it, and how basic weather measurements are used to predict occurrences of this pattern (e.g., changes in temperature, wind, pressure, etc.).
You may choose to write about severe weather event not discussed in class like famous dust storms, blizzards, earthquakes, floods, and tsunamis. 

Weather Project
Listed below you will see different projects to complete and how they will be graded.  Choose the project you would most like to do.  Follow the rubric so that you can get the best possible grade.  Hand in the rubric along with your project.  You will lose 2 points for each day your project is late.  Your project is due: September 17
Choice 2
        Part 1: Write a song or poem conveying your knowledge of weather.  You must write and hand in your lyrics. For extra credit, you may present your lyrics to the class.
Part 2: Create a storm safety poster to educate people about lightning, thunderstorms, floods, blizzards, tornadoes, or hurricanes.
Display your information on poster board or online Glog.

Storm Safety poster                                    (20 points) ________
There is a title and reference section            (5 points)________
The song/poem contains at least 10 facts.    (20 points) ________
The lyrics relate to weather                         (5 points) ________
                                                                50 Total

The song must relate to a weather topic discussed in class. Research more information about the weather topic and cite your sources. You may choose to add music to the background. The safely poster may be handmade or online using

Weather Project
Listed below you will see different projects to complete and how they will be graded.  Choose the project you would most like to do.  Follow the rubric so that you can get the best possible grade.  Hand in the rubric along with your project.  You will lose 2 points for each day your project is late.  Your project is due: September 17

Choice 3
        Graph the temperature of 2 cities in different parts of the world for 7 days. Then, make a prediction for the 8th day. Write your prediction on the same paper and explain (1-2 paragraphs) how you made your prediction based on what we learned in class. Finally, explain why the two cities had drastic differences in weather. Use your graph as a reference and scientific terms such as air pressure, air masses, fronts, climate, weather, and winds.
Display on a poster board.
Use , or another website of choice.
For extra credit, you may present to the class.

There is a title and reference section           (10 points) ________
7 day forecast shown                                (10 points) ________
Prediction shown for each city                     (5 points) ________
 Graph displayed                                        (5 points) ________
Scientific explanation                                  (20 points) _________
                                                                50 Total 

Weather Project
Listed below you will see different projects to complete and how they will be graded.  Choose the project you would most like to do.  Follow the rubric so that you can get the best possible grade.  Hand in the rubric along with your project.  You will lose 2 points for each day your project is late.  Your project is due: September 17
Choice 4
        Build 1 of the following weather tools and explain how it works in written form (2 Paragraphs). Display the process and pictures on a poster board. For extra credit, you may present your tool to the class.
Barometer                          Anemometer
Hygrometer                         Weather vane  
Thermometer                      Rain Gauge                 
(Not all tools were discussed in class; maybe show us how one works!)

Poster with title and building process              (10 points) _________
At least 2 pictures of you constructing the tool (10 points) ________
You can explain how it was made.                         (10 points) ________
You can explain how it works.                        (20 points) ________
                                                                   50 Total
This website gives all instructions:

Friday, August 24, 2012

Today we learned about weather fronts and air masses. Many students are looking forward to the lab on Monday. We will be having our first test next Friday! Please study; we have covered lots of information.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Extra Credit????

We have been learning about convectional currents in Science. Have your child research how convectional ovens work and relate this to how convection currents heat and cool the Earth. 

Due anytime between now and August 31. 

If you do not have computer access, please make arrangements with me to come before (7:15) or after school (until 4:30). You can also use the library. We have a class set of Science books so if your child needs to take a book home, they must return it the next day.

Mrs. Fail

In class today we learned about climate, absolute location, relative location, and the land forms of the United States. Ask your child all about it!

$5 is due tomorrow for Scholastic News.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

No homework tonight other than studying our new notes.

Have a great night!
Mrs. Fail

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Today we learned about Earth’s geography in Social Studies. Homework is to finish their maps for a grade! Maps can be creative but must include: Title, Key/Legend, Scale and Compass.
5-C chose to add a locator and create a flag for there city.

Big thanks to the parents who donated supplies for our lab. We now have all materials needed to complete the lab next week.

$5 for Scholastic News is due Friday. This is not a book order but for class issues for each child throughout the year. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

$5.00 for Scholastic News must be turned in by Friday. Please make checks out to Neuse Charter School or bring cash. I will give your child a receipt.

Homework is to study our notes from today. The notes will be the most important thing to study for our test. We also made a Layer's of the Atmosphere foldable.

Materials needed for lab:
Fishing wire, balloons, tape, straws

Every child does not need to bring these materials, but before we can do the lab I need these supplies. I need supplies by Friday as well.

Thanks and have a good night!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Please bring $5.00 for your child's Scholastic News issue so I can order them and we can start learning about current events.

Homework is for students to bring the Lab Safety forms signed if they did not today.

Have a GREAT and safe weekend!

Mrs. Fail

Thursday, August 16, 2012

What a wonderful first day of school! Tonight's homework is to get all paperwork signed by a parent and returned tomorrow.

Any extra supplies still left in the student's backpacks can be kept at home until they need replenishing. Technology will need flashdrive and headphones in every class, so I encourage students just to leave them in their bags until we go to Technology.

:-) L. Fail

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Glad to see everyone at open house tonight. Thanks for the support. As asked by some parents here is the class schedule:

5A 8:30-10:00 10:05-11:35 11:40-12:15 12:20-1:50 1:55-2:40 2:45-3:30
Monday Science Social Studies LA LA Lunch 11:45-12:15 Math Math Spanish Library
Tuesday Science Social Studies LA LA Lunch 11:45-12:15 Math Math Tech Chinese
Wednesday Science Social Studies LA LA Lunch 11:45-12:15 Math Math Spanish Art
Thursday Science Social Studies LA LA Lunch 11:45-12:15 Math Math Tech Chinese
Friday Science Social Studies LA LA Lunch 11:45-12:15 Math Math Music *PE*

5B 8:30-10:00 10:05-11:35 11:40-12:15 12:20-1:50 1:55-2:40 2:45-3:30
Monday Math Math Science Social Studies Lunch 11:45-12:15 LA LA Chinese Tech
Tuesday Math Math Science Social Studies Lunch 11:45-12:15 LA LA Art Spanish
Wednesday Math Math Science Social Studies Lunch 11:45-12:15 LA LA Chinese *PE*
Thursday Math Math Science Social Studies Lunch 11:45-12:15 LA LA Library Tech
Friday Math Math Science Social Studies Lunch 11:45-12:15 LA LA Music Spanish

5C 8:30-10:00 10:05-11:35 11:40-12:15 12:20-1:50 1:55-2:40 2:45-3:30
Monday LA LA Math Math Lunch 11:45-12:15 Science Social Studies Tech Chinese
Tuesday LA LA Math Math Lunch 11:45-12:15 Science Social Studies Spanish Library
Wednesday LA LA Math Math Lunch 11:45-12:15 Science Social Studies Tech Chinese
Thursday LA LA Math Math Lunch 11:45-12:15 Science Social Studies Spanish *PE*
Friday LA LA Math Math Lunch 11:45-12:15 Science Social Studies Music Art

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The school bash was great for everyone who came. I loved meeting my new students and look forward to open house where I get to meet the rest. Enjoy your last few days of summer!

~Mrs. Fail