Thursday, January 30, 2014


We have had our fun in the snow but it is going to be time to work come Monday.
1. Reading Packets due Monday.
2. States Project due Monday. 
3. Civil War Test Tuesday.

We are way behind now and need to finish up the Civil War ASAP. Our next Science topic is on Energy and Heat. Please bring your headphones next week. 

The Civil War was our last full Social Studies topic of the year. Our grades for SS will mostly consist of Scholastic News, Geography sheets, States activities, Current Events, and other small activities. With this in mind, please do not let your SS grade go slacking because opportunities to bring it up will be limited. 

See you Monday, 

Mrs. Fail 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Today in class we will complete an activity on analyzing old Civil War letters and pictures. Since we are releasing early, we did not have a full class period and I'm asking students to complete the assignment at home. Sorry for the unplanned homework. If it snows, have fun!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Extra Credit

Extra Credit due Feb. 7

You are allowed to come into school early and use the Chromebooks to help with this extra credit. All you need to do is follow the 3 steps on this website. Since this may take a while, I have extended the due date past the test.

Flashcards due tomorrow on quizlet or paper.

Civil war reading packet due Thursday.

As of right now we are still on schedule for test on Friday and Western states quiz on Monday. If you have a snow day, I may look at rearranging some things.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I would just like to take a second to clarify that the Valentine's Day Dance will be during school from 10:00- 11:30 on Feb. 14. This is an early release day so school will be dismissed at 11:45. We will NOT be having a dance after school. Several boys and girls I talk to are worried about having to dance with a special person. This dance is meant to be fun and a group social event... nothing more. Sorry for any confusion. It would be nice if students dress nicely for the occasion.

If you have any questions please contact a 5th grade teacher.

Thanks, we look forward to a fun time.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Report Cards

Report cards went home with students today. There was an issue with Art grades, everyone received an S in my homeroom. 

EOG workbooks are $11.50. Please send money by Feb. 14 if you are interested in purchasing. 

Next Week:
1. Flashcards due Tuesday
2. Civil War reading packet due Thursday
3. Test Civil War on Friday ** If you are leaving early due to awards please take your test Thursday or Monday**
4. Quiz on Western region of U.S. Feb. 3

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

EOG workbooks will be $11.50. Please make checks payable to Neuse Charter School (Memo: Fail EOG book). Cash is acceptable; I will provide a receipt within a few days. Please have all money turned in by Feb. 14.

Midterm grades were passed out to students today. Parents please sign and return them to school tomorrow.

The last region of states are below. If you have a project due, please send me a rough draft by Friday.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Valentine's Day Dance

We will be having a 5th grade dance on February 14. Students please dress in your best clothes and be ready to show us your best dance moves. Parents we are in need for decorations and help. Please sign up below.

I need ONE more student to agree to buy an EOG workbook to get the $9.99 +shipping price! Please email me if you are interested. I will be ordering on Valentines Day in order to get the shipment here in time.

Matter test scores have been emailed to students and I will be sending home a letter with each student's Midterm score. Along with the Midterm scores have listed some topics each child needs to study.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Test Matter tomorrow. Please review notes, flashcards, classwork, worksheets, and websites I have provided for students. 

*** Many students have not turned in the labs we did last week. I will be forced to give students a zero if they are not turn in*** I will remind students again tomorrow if I am missing theirs. 


Dear Parents:
Your child may have potentially been exposed to Pediculosis (Head lice) at Neuse Charter School. 
The children who are known to be infested have been isolated and the parents advised to seek treatment and complete Nit removal. 
We suggest the following procedure for inspecting your child for head lice:
  1. Under bright light begin looking at the back of the head just above the neck area.
  2. Part the hair section by section and look closely for head lice or nits (eggs). Eggs will usually be located near the scalp.
  3. Depending on the length and thickness of the hair, it should take between 5 and 15 minutes to properly inspect a child's head.
The entire family should be inspected for head lice as well. For information on how to treat your child's head lice infestation consult your family physician or a local pharmacist.
If you have access to the Internet, you can obtain information on controlling head lice from the National School Integrated Pest Management Web Site at


Dr. Gahagan,
Elementary School Principal
Neuse Charter School

Thursday, January 9, 2014

EOG Prep Books

Below is a link for purchasing EOG prep workbooks. The catch is you must order a minimum of 5 copies and the more copies you buy, the cheaper the workbook is. Please email me if you are interested so I can get a number in mind. If more than 21 parents order a book, they will be $9.99 each + shipping. My goal is to collect the money and have the school purchase them prior to Valentines Day. This will give the company plenty of time to ship so the books arrive before Spring Break.

We will be using this book frequently for EOG review. I do have a copy myself and will project it on the screen in class. However, I find students learn best if the pages are right in front of them. You are not obligated to purchase a book, but did want to offer it.

Mrs. Fail

Tonight's homework is to complete the Bubble Gum Lab we did in class today.
5B students please check your email since I did not finish explaining a few things.

Simple Quiz tomorrow on measuring tools.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

There will be a graded homework assignment tonight on the computer. Paper copies were provided for students who need them.

We have all the materials needed for the labs on Thursday and Friday. Thanks so much!

Monday, January 6, 2014

2 Hour Delay Tomorrow.

We learned about measuring tools in class today. There is a practice homework assignment on what we learned today. This will not be for a grade. However, there will be a quiz Friday that is very similar to the homework.

Social Studies extra credit is due 1-15-14

Matter Flashcards due 1-13-14

Matter Test 1-14-14

Friday, January 3, 2014

The test for Matter will be on 1-14-14.

There will be a Midterm on all the Science topics taught this year. That will be on 1-15-14. Please use the Study Jams link on the left side to review. Also, old notes and flashcards will help.

For the upcoming labs (2) we need 70 double bubble gum pieces, aluminum foil, and pennies! Please email me if you can help donate supplies.

Thanks so much.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welcome Back

Today we learned about matter. Students have a PowerPoint in their email that they can review at any time.

Matter Flashcards are due 1-13-14. A list was emailed to students. These can be completed on or on paper.

Several students still need to complete the Gold Rush in-class project from before the break.