Monday, November 25, 2013

There will be NO SCHOOL Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Today we made roller coasters online which relate to Force and Motion. Some students have to complete the assignment for homework. I will have to say I do not want to ride on some of the roller coaster the students designed. I would be scared to death!

Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Grades have been emailed to students from the test today. The email is from "Noreply" located in their student email.

We are planning to have a Christmas Brunch on 12/18/13 at 9:30 in the morning until 11:45 when students leave. Please sign up for items or to volunteer if you can.

I am also in need of supplies and have updated my Signup Genius.

Thanks so much! Have a great weekend.

Mrs. Fail

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Test tomorrow on Force and Motion

Grades from the classwork/homework from Tuesday night have been graded and posted on a comment on the document. You will need to open the document in Google Drive.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The internet was down at school today and now is the first chance I have been near a computer. Sorry for the late post. Tonight some students may need to finish their lab we did in class. Students loved learning Newton's 3rd Law of Motion by making a balloon rocket!
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Click here

Extra Credit!

Website with video on it:

As most if you may know a rocket was launched Tuesday night by NASA that contained 29 small satellites. The video is above for you to watch and some students actually saw it in the sky! For Extra Credit (5 points on test) please answer the following questions. 

1 point- How did this launch show Newton's First Law of Motion?
1 point- How did this launch show Newton's Second Law of Motion?
1 point- How did this launch show Newton's Third Law of Motion?
1 point- List the balanced forces acting on the rocket. 
1 point- List the unbalanced forces acting on the rocket. 
Total 5 points

Please turn in on Friday before the test. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Weekly Update:
Flashcards are due Wednesday.
Test on Friday (Force and Motion)
I am asking for the Dec. 11 State Project rough draft by Friday.
Tomorrow there will be a graded classwork assignment that may need to be completed for homework if students do not finish in class.

Other than that, we are just coasting until Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Student's EOG Scores were sent home today with students. Please view them with your child.

I have noticed that students have been very active, playful, and talkative this week. If you could please talk to you child about remaining calm I would appreciate it. I know the holidays are soon and we are all excited, but there is still work to be done.


Happy Friday,

Mrs. Fail

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Homework tonight is a Graph's and Review sheet online or paper copy for those who needed it. Please use the notes and graphs sheet we did today in class to help.


Mrs. Fail

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Welcome back to school!

This week we are learning Force and Motion.

Flashcards are due 11/20/13

There will most likely be a homework assignment on Thursday of this week.  Please use your notes and PowerPoint that was emailed to you for help.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Test tomorrow!

Some students are still missing their flashcards. I did deduct points if the definitions were wrong, even if the student used the auto answer on quizlet which was not the same definition from class. Many words have more than one definitions and students need to be studying the correct information.

Friday, we will have our 1st EOG review day for science.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

All states quizzes have been graded and emailed to the students. The email should be from "noreply" and the subject is "Record of grades...Midwest Quiz" If the student did not get an email, then they must have not entered in the correct email address. I fixed as many spelling mistakes as I saw, Please check behind me. :-)


Mrs. Fail

Monday, November 4, 2013

Review: Great Videos for students to watch.

May have to click on the YouTube symbol which will direct you to the link in order to view. 

Three Branches

How a Bill becomes a Law

Checks and Balances

Declaration of Independence

George Washington

Report Cards were sent home today! Please sign and return ASAP.

Weekly Update:

1. Students need to revise their homework packet from last week. In order to get some points back they need to highlight where they found each answer in the text. If the answer cannot be found, then explain their reasoning. Many scores were not acceptable; I'm not sure if it was because of Halloween, but I am offering a one day opportunity to get more points.

2. Flashcards due Wednesday

3. Test on Revolutionary War and Government Thursday.

4. Awards Day Friday at 10:00am

Study Government Links

Friday, November 1, 2013

Well this week was fun and exciting with Halloween and our party today. I want to thank all the students for their nice gifts and sweet cards.

Report Cards will go home on Monday.

Midwest section of States quiz on Monday.

State project for certain students are due Monday.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Fail