Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fun sites:
Sound Facts
Human Ear
Magic Schoolbus Game

Today we learned about sound and I found these link that were fun.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Students: Here is the music video from class today.
K and P energy

Homework tonight for 5B and 5C is a Forms of energy review sheet.

Today in class we completed a lab on conductors using metal and plastic spoons.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mrs. Fail's homeroom basket theme is "Around NC in a day." Which means tickets to different places in NC such as museums, amusement parks, theaters, zoo, aquarium, concerts, historical sites...and so on. 

Monday, January 28, 2013

5A and 5C have a review sheet on Conduction, Convection and Radiation for homework. Some students in 5B have not turned in the review sheet and need to complete as well. The beginning of the 9 weeks has begun and I already have students with missing grades. Please make sure everything is turn in on time.

Also, students were asked to bring in an object tomorrow to test for a conductor or insulator. (Something small)

Mrs. Fail
The National Young Scholars Program (NYSP) is an exciting and interactive program that unleashes the learning potential within the nation's most promising young students. The NYSP offers a 5 day program for students who are interested. At the beginning of the year, I nominated 10 students with high averages to be contacted with information. If you are interested in your child attending and did not get in information packet, please contact me or contact NYSP directly.

Mrs. Fail

Sunday, January 27, 2013

I hope everyone had a restful weekend. Some students are having difficulty with applying Conduction, Convection and Radiation to different scenarios  This quiz may help.

Please return signed report card envelopes on Monday. 

We will be learning about Heat Transfer for about two weeks. Students can use these links to help them.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I am in the process of grading the midterm assessment. Overall, I can tell most students studied and tried their best. When grading, I broke down every question and will be able to tell you exactly what subtopics for your child to study. Hopefully, if all goes well, I will be able to attach a note to the report cards. Please do not feel overwhelmed if there are many topics I wrote down, for we have studied numerous topics this year. Thursday we will be starting a new chapter on Heat and Energy. Students can study these links on the side:

I plan to spend about two weeks on this topic and will be adding more information as we go. Thank you for helping at home, it will pay off. 

Mrs. Fail

For Class:

Conduction, Convection, Radiation

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Please visit Signup Genius website for the Valentine's party needs.

Signup Here

5th Grade Valentine's Movie Party

We will be watching a movie and having refreshments in the cafeteria on Valentine's Day. The cafeteria has been reserved for us from 11:15a-2p. Please sign up to volunteer and/or bring items needed so we can celebrate this special day!
DATE: 2/14/2013 (Thu 11:15AM - 2:00PM)

LOCATION: Cafeteria


Available Slot
Valentine's Cookies (140) 
Popcorn (70)
Enough for 70 children 
Drinks (70)
individual drinks so we will not need cups 
Bowls (70) 
Small Plates (70)
For cookies 
Leaders (6)
Arrive early, serve refreshments, clean up 
The Sandlot or Radio 

****Just a reminder that a student does have an allergy to red dye****** Please consider purchasing some items without red coloring.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Today was our first review day for the mid-term. I could tell some have studied, but most students NEED to spend time daily studying Weather, Ecosystem, and Matter. Just 10 minutes a day will help students store the information in their long term memory.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Tomorrow is our SS test, please study. We will be reviewing for our Science midterm for the rest of the week.
Friday there is no school, and Thursday is the end of the grading period.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Mrs. May wanted me to inform you that each class will be required to sing a part of a song by memory for multicultural day in February. I have labeled the parts per class so you practice. Can't wait to hear it! 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Quiz tomorrow on the 3 Branches of Government only.

The test on Tuesday will NOT include the branches because we have lots of other information to cover. I have posted vocabulary information and the extra credit. Please study.

Today we learned about Henry Ford and Alexander Graham Bell, two people who changed America forever!
Henry Ford

Biography (You may watch video clip)

Time Magazine for Kids

Ford's Life

Assembly Line

Assembly Line 2

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Extra Credit for Test:

Research a machine invented during the industrial revolution and answer the following questions with detailed answers.
1. Who invented the it?
2. What date was it invented?
3. What does it do? Or how does it work?
4. How has this invention helped America?

Cite sources.

Needs to know:

Bill of Rights in order

Lewis and Clark
Checks and Balance
Industrial Revolution
3/5 Compromise
Louisiana Purchase
Manifest Destiny
Indian Removal Act
Thomas Jefferson

Famous Inventors (no dates)
1.     James Watt
First reliable Steam Engine
2.     Eli Whitney
Cotton Gin
3.     Richard Trevithick
Locomotive (Railroad)
4.     Robert Fulton
Regular Steamboat
5.     Samuel F. B. Morse
6.     Elias Howe
Sewing Machine
7.     Alexander Graham Bell
8.     Thomas Edison
Light Bulb
9.     Orville and Wilbur Wright
First Airplane
10.                       Henry Ford
Model T Ford,
Assembly Line

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Please continue to study. We played a review game in class today on the branches of government and some students really need to study. Our quiz just on the 3 branches of government is Friday. Our test in Social Studies is probably going to be next Tuesday. I will post vocabulary soon. Also, use the links to the left to study for science midterm.

Lewis and Clark Links

Animal Discoveries
Plant Discoveries
Impact of Exploration
Trail and Timeline
Trial and Questions

Monday, January 7, 2013

Today we learned about the Branches of Government. There will be a quiz on Friday just on this information. Here is a summary of the information, students may study their foldabe (5A) and study guide.
3 Branches

I am planning for a SS test to be on Jan. 15 and please remember to study the side links for the Science midterm. For those that do not have computer access, I have given those students a handout of vocabulary.

Have a great night!

Mrs. Fail

Friday, January 4, 2013

I hope everyone has a good weekend. Tonight some students may have homework. I gave them a worksheet on the Bill of Rights and if they did not finish in class, it needs to be completed over the weekend.

Please remember to be studying for the science midterm. The links on the left side will be helpful.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Bill of Rights


Tonight's homework is to study the foldable made in class on the Bill of Rights. There will be a take-home sheet tomorrow and this foldable will help.

Have a good day.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hi everyone and Welcome back!

For the next two weeks we will be completing Social Studies, then reviewing for our mid-year testing in Science. Please get a head start on the studying so we can all do well. Remember, this is like a pre-EOG with similar questions.
Topics we have covered so far:
Properties of Matter

The test will include questions from these topics only. I will add important vocabulary information later. Meanwhile, students can study my side links (on left) from Study Jams to Matter Game. These are all great review links.